The leader of Burkina Faso, Mr. Ibrahim Traore, has turned down the IMF financial assistance package as alleged, which is great.

The present leadership of Burkina Faso has never requested any assistance from the IMF or the World Bank since they took over power. But recently, it was revealed that the IMF, on its own, offered to assist Burkina Faso financially, which the leadership of the country rejected. The IMF knew that Burkina Faso is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, so why offer them financial assistance when they do not need it? We believe that this is another method used by the IMF to get the country into their pocket. Right now, the IMF is trying to play the good guy game by offering the country financial assistance, which may, in the long run, bring the economy of Burkina Faso down. But as a smart leader, Mr. Ibrahim Traore rejected their offer, which is nice. We plead with other countries on the continent of Africa to reject every form of assistance from the IMF and the World Bank because their financial assistance to third-world countries is part of the reasons the economies of most third-world countries have been crippled until today. The IMF and the World Bank would give third-world countries loans that would be difficult to pay back because of the conditions attached to them. Once you are in, it becomes extremely difficult to pull out. Again, countries on the continent of Africa should do their homework properly before taking IMF or World Bank loans, if at all there is a need for such a loan to be taken. 

Source: Viewers Corner News

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