President Joe Biden

The United States of America should tread carefully with Russia because Russia is not like other countries with low war equipment.

It is not too late for the United States of America and the West to change their stance towards Russia. It is better for all to come together and make peace for the safety of the people of the world. We know that all the advanced countries have dangerous weapons that can cause severe problems […]

The United States of America should tread carefully with Russia because Russia is not like other countries with low war equipment. Read More »

The African Union should say no to the establishment of a United States military base in Kenya or in any other country on the continent of Africa.

We are calling on the people of Kenya to ask President Ruto to end whatever agreement he has made or is trying to make with the United States of America concerning setting up a military base in Kenya. This is because it is not in the best interest of the people of Kenya, who trusted

The African Union should say no to the establishment of a United States military base in Kenya or in any other country on the continent of Africa. Read More »

The United States of America does not endorse the International Criminal Court (ICC), according to one top official of the United States of America.

We are asking the third-world countries, especially countries on the continent of Africa, why they are still members of the International Criminal Court. An organization that was allegedly established to hurt and control leaders of third-world countries. We had expected them to leave such an organization that does not believe in equality and fairness. An

The United States of America does not endorse the International Criminal Court (ICC), according to one top official of the United States of America. Read More »

Africans with Russia

History, they say, is the best teacher. Africans have forgiven but will not forget what the West and the United States of America did to the ex-leaders of Africa and their forefathers centuries ago.

Africans are great people who want to live just like their fellow human beings in the world. Africans have forgiven the United States of America and the West, which dehumanised and killed most of their leaders for no justifiable reason. It is so painful, but Africans have moved on with their lives. However, what Africans

History, they say, is the best teacher. Africans have forgiven but will not forget what the West and the United States of America did to the ex-leaders of Africa and their forefathers centuries ago. Read More »

France is losing its grip on the continent of Africa and may put up a last-minute fight.

What were they (Franch people) expecting—that the continent of Africa would remain under the French and West dictatorial systems forever? Such a system will never work anymore. France and the West did that to the forefathers of Africa, and now the children of Africa, who are wiser and more educated, have come to the conclusion

France is losing its grip on the continent of Africa and may put up a last-minute fight. Read More »


President Putin of Russia has recently delivered 25 tonnes of wheat to Burkina Faso, as he promised during the Russia-Africa summit.

President Putin and his country, Russia, are well liked throughout Africa. Russia has also shown real commitment and partnership towards the people of Africa, not because of any financial gains but because they want countries on the continent of Africa to be fully independent so that they can stand on their feet without any interference

President Putin of Russia has recently delivered 25 tonnes of wheat to Burkina Faso, as he promised during the Russia-Africa summit. Read More »

Russia and NATO

The war between NATO and Russia may not last for too long if it happens. Hear why we say so.

We have appealed to all NATO countries in the past in our capacity as advisers and as an international media group, especially the United States of America, to make peace with Russia because the adverse effect of any war is not always good. It is the poor innocent ones around the world, who are in

The war between NATO and Russia may not last for too long if it happens. Hear why we say so. Read More »

The president of Ghana is hesitating to sign the LGBTQ bill into law because of the 3.8 billion dollars in aid Ghana receives from the United States of America annually.

The people of Ghana know that President Nana Akufo-Addo, whom they say is the puppet of the West, may not sign the LGBTQ bill into law. Since the bill was sent to his desk after the lawmakers of Ghana approved that the LGBTQ should not be practiced in Ghana, the president of Ghana has not

The president of Ghana is hesitating to sign the LGBTQ bill into law because of the 3.8 billion dollars in aid Ghana receives from the United States of America annually. Read More »

President Joe Biden

The Viewers Corner News team applauds the Republican leader of the US House of Representatives and his team for blocking war aid for Ukraine.

Certain policies of the United States of America, which so many countries around the world believe to be hostile to them, have contributed to why those countries are against the United States of America. The United States would bring up an agenda and push it under the cover of NATO just to fulfil its objective.

The Viewers Corner News team applauds the Republican leader of the US House of Representatives and his team for blocking war aid for Ukraine. Read More »

. Bill Gates and Jane Goodhall of the World Economic Forum

Countries on the continent of Africa should distance themselves from Mr. Bill Gates and Jane Goodall of the World Economic Forum and what they represent.

Year 2024 is another year that just began, but before we continue, let us carefully look at these statements. Mr. Bill Gates, who is a regular at the World Economic Forum, said that “the world today has 6.8 billion people, and if we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, and reproduction

Countries on the continent of Africa should distance themselves from Mr. Bill Gates and Jane Goodall of the World Economic Forum and what they represent. Read More »

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