
UK gold reserves

France and the United Kingdom do not have any gold mines, but they have the largest gold reserves in the world. How did they get this gold?

Countries of the West that manipulated African countries, stole their natural resources, and believe that they will continue to loot the resources of Africa without anyone stopping them should better have a rethink because the new generation of leaders of Africa cannot take such irresponsible acts again. What they did to African forefathers cannot be […]

France and the United Kingdom do not have any gold mines, but they have the largest gold reserves in the world. How did they get this gold? Read More »

Denis Sassou Nguesso

Congo-Brazzaville is a country in Africa with a population of less than 6 million people, huge natural resources, but being led by puppets of the West.

Congo-Brazzaville supposedly should be among the richest countries in the world, with a population of less than 6 million people and huge natural resources. Our point is that the resources of Congo-Brazzaville are what made the country rank among the richest in the world, but like every other country on the continent of Africa, the

Congo-Brazzaville is a country in Africa with a population of less than 6 million people, huge natural resources, but being led by puppets of the West. Read More »

Burkina Faso leader

The recent failed coup against the military government of Burkina Faso by enemies of the country will tell the West that Africa and her people cannot be pushed around anymore.

The people of Burkina Faso, just like a few other African countries that accepted the military government to lead their various countries, do not really care about having a democratic system of government. The majority of those who spoke to Viewers Corner News correspondents in Ouagadougou, the capital city of Burkina Faso, said that they

The recent failed coup against the military government of Burkina Faso by enemies of the country will tell the West that Africa and her people cannot be pushed around anymore. Read More »

President William Ruto of Kenya should remain on the side of truth and be consistent with it if he wants Africans to see him as their own.

President William Ruto of Kenya started well by telling the people of Kenya and Africans the truth and the way forward for the continent of Africa to grow. But we discovered recently that he has started dancing to the music of the West. The Viewers Corner News team would use this opportunity to call on

President William Ruto of Kenya should remain on the side of truth and be consistent with it if he wants Africans to see him as their own. Read More »

President Col Assimi Goïta

The military government in Mali has all it takes to take out the rebel groups in Mali. Hear our suggestion on this matter.

It is no longer surprising to note that the West and a few other countries in the world with evil intentions for Mali and Africa have chosen to destabilize the country because the government of Mali has asked them to stop stealing the natural resources of Mali but treat and do business nicely with the

The military government in Mali has all it takes to take out the rebel groups in Mali. Hear our suggestion on this matter. Read More »

President Emmanuel Macron of France

President Emmanuel Macron of France is fighting a battle against Africa that he can never win.

President Macron telling the continent of Africa that they have civilization issues during the G20 summit held in India, as alleged should be seen as a statement coming from a man who has lost a battle he thought could be won so easily. Like we said before, only dialogue and treating countries on the continent

President Emmanuel Macron of France is fighting a battle against Africa that he can never win. Read More »

Military takeover

In the absence of free and fair democratic elections in Africa, the military will have to do the needful.

Like we said in the past, military government is not the best form of government anywhere it exists on the surface of the earth; democracy is the best system of government, which is government of the people and for the people. In such a system of government, everyone is represented, and it gives everyone the

In the absence of free and fair democratic elections in Africa, the military will have to do the needful. Read More »

Emmanuel Macron

This is the arrogance of a colonizer that France is exhibiting in the Niger Republic.

It is laughable and so surprising to hear that France told the new military government in the Niger Republic that they do not have the right to expel them from the country. This would show the world that without French-speaking countries in Africa, France cannot survive. The reason is that all the natural resources needed

This is the arrogance of a colonizer that France is exhibiting in the Niger Republic. Read More »

Ali Bongo

The long-awaited revolution has begun in various countries in Africa, and the military is the only one to champion such radical change.

The word democracy is supposed to mean government of the people and for the people. But in Africa, it is the government of the cabals who think that they are untouchable and do not care about the welfare of the people of their various countries, which is sad. Now the military has taken over power

The long-awaited revolution has begun in various countries in Africa, and the military is the only one to champion such radical change. Read More »

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