France is losing its grip on the continent of Africa and may put up a last-minute fight.

What were they (Franch people) expecting—that the continent of Africa would remain under the French and West dictatorial systems forever? Such a system will never work anymore. France and the West did that to the forefathers of Africa, and now the children of Africa, who are wiser and more educated, have come to the conclusion that victimisation and slavery shall never be their portion, including the generation yet unborn, which is great. We advised France and the West in the past to change their manipulative system and embrace a more acceptable partnership system that would favour both France, the West, and the United States of America, including the people of Africa, because we believe that Africa has more than enough to sustain the whole world, but France and their allies refused, believing that they have upper hands that would enable them to always dominate and have full control of the continent of Africa. Now France and the West are being sent out of Africa, and there is nothing they are going to do about it other than leave, which is nice. Again, there is nothing in this life that will last forever, so if you keep on subjecting the less privileged to abject poverty because you have the upper hand, a day shall come when such injustice is going to fail you. This is exactly what is happening on the continent of Africa. Africans have risen up to challenge those who dehumanised their forefathers and subjected them to nothing; they have come up to stand against injustice and, at the same time, reclaim their dignity. It is already happening, and it will continue until absolute victory is achieved.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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