
Some French-speaking African countries have started a move to end French colonial taxes imposed on them for many years.

For so many years, France has been exploiting French-speaking African countries, and now the new generation of leaders in Africa says enough is enough. There shall no longer be exploitation of the resources of Africa. In the past, the Viewers Corner News team advised France to figure out a more acceptable way to handle the […]

Some French-speaking African countries have started a move to end French colonial taxes imposed on them for many years. Read More »

Africans are wiser now, so those allegedly plotting to eliminate the military leader of the Niger Republic and other military leaders in Africa should tread with caution.

The Viewers Corner News team wants to remind those in the advanced countries of the world who eliminated Mr. Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, using deceitful propaganda to achieve their evil purpose, that such a system will no longer work because Africans are wiser now. It was revealed that the Niger Republic military leader is the

Africans are wiser now, so those allegedly plotting to eliminate the military leader of the Niger Republic and other military leaders in Africa should tread with caution. Read More »

President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana and President Ruto of Kenya are puppets of the West. Let the truth be told.

We are calling on countries on the continent of Africa to start reviewing the agreement they made with the United States of America concerning the military installations that the United States has in most countries on the continent of Africa. Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Accra (Ghana) revealed that the United

President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana and President Ruto of Kenya are puppets of the West. Let the truth be told. Read More »

President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea is one of Africa’s most terrible, corrupt, reckless, and dishonest leaders that has ever lived.

In Equatorial Guinea, by all standards, considering the population of the country, no one there should have known poverty. The president of Equatorial Guinea went to the United Nations, and during his speech, he asked the United Nations to give his country aid because there is poverty and hunger in Equatorial Guinea. Now hear our

President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea is one of Africa’s most terrible, corrupt, reckless, and dishonest leaders that has ever lived. Read More »

Ruto Williams

African passport holders passing through Kenyan airports are now subjected to paying certain amounts of money as bribes to some corrupt immigration officers before boarding their flights.

The Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the leadership of Kenya to look into this matter and have it resolved as soon as possible because it is not a good image for a country like Kenya and also for the continent of Africa as a whole. Not too long ago, it was revealed to

African passport holders passing through Kenyan airports are now subjected to paying certain amounts of money as bribes to some corrupt immigration officers before boarding their flights. Read More »

The digital I.D. programme of Bill Gates and his group is targeted at destroying Africa, especially children and newborn babies. It is going to be launched in Kenya.

Bill Gates is at it again, targeting the people of Africa, especially children and newborn babies. The genetic modify data programme of Bill Gates is going to start in Kenya, which President Ruto of Kenya and some people in the country are happy about but do not fully understand the horrible side effects of such

The digital I.D. programme of Bill Gates and his group is targeted at destroying Africa, especially children and newborn babies. It is going to be launched in Kenya. Read More »

Burkina Faso and Russia

President Putin of Russia does not need to wage war against France; he just needs to liberate French-speaking African countries, and the unexpected will happen.

President Putin of Russia is the new Don in town. He is a very smart and intelligent leader who knows how to get what he wants at all times. President Putin is in support of the recent changes on the continent of Africa. He wants all African countries to be fully liberated from their colonial

President Putin of Russia does not need to wage war against France; he just needs to liberate French-speaking African countries, and the unexpected will happen. Read More »

The government of Ethiopia should stop humiliating their fellow Africans. It is important that you treat them as your brothers and sisters.

Information reaching Viewers Corner News from our correspondent in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, revealed that some African countries, especially Nigeria, are being treated in a dehumanizing manner by Ethiopian immigration officers each time they transit or visit the country. Our correspondent further revealed that as a Nigerian carrying a green international passport, you are subjected to

The government of Ethiopia should stop humiliating their fellow Africans. It is important that you treat them as your brothers and sisters. Read More »

UK gold reserves

France and the United Kingdom do not have any gold mines, but they have the largest gold reserves in the world. How did they get this gold?

Countries of the West that manipulated African countries, stole their natural resources, and believe that they will continue to loot the resources of Africa without anyone stopping them should better have a rethink because the new generation of leaders of Africa cannot take such irresponsible acts again. What they did to African forefathers cannot be

France and the United Kingdom do not have any gold mines, but they have the largest gold reserves in the world. How did they get this gold? Read More »

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