The reason or reasons people want a new government or change is that the past government failed them, now they expect the new one to come in and improve their standard of living so that they can live a normal and happy life better than they were with the past government which to an extent president Buhari and his administration are doing nicely most especially on corruption. Somehow this issue of electricity is not encouraging at all, we have seen series of write ups from the minister of power (Babatunde Fashola) concerning the price Nigerians must pay on issues of light in the country. To an extent he is right but on the other hand he is missing the point, Nigerians deserve to be happy by giving them constant power supply and all the necessary things that can make life easier for them. Again give them light and ask them to pay when the project is functioning properly.
We (Viewers corner) have written an article on this issue in the past, now we want to kindly remind the minister of power Babatunde Fashola that in the 80s before Buhari/Idiagbon took over power, the issue of light was almost the same as it is now even though it was a military government but then they called on those responsible for supplying light to sit tight if not there would be problem. Honestly after that warning, light was made available. Please we are not saying that you should use force on the people, no that was then and now is democracy where lots of processes would have to be in place before decisions are taken. Our expression here is for your ministry to revisit the past because when any research is being conducted, nothing should be left out if a government wants to achieve positive result. Again even if the population of the country (Nigeria) has increase but still if your ministry organize their homework properly, they should be able to give Nigerians steady light. We do not believe that Nigeria would have to pay heavily before such benefits are given to them, we would suggest that a comprehensive study be carried out by your ministry on electricity project in Nigeria. Please study the success stories of some advance countries on this issue of power supply preferably Germany, go into joint venture with them. Learn the technicalities on issues of power supply because Nigeria as a nation cannot do it alone, they need the services of a strong country to be able to carry out this project successfully.
The citizens of Nigeria has suffered so much in the hands of past leaders who ruled the country for their own selfish interest and as it is now, the Nigerian people are still in the same painful system. Nigeria has crude oil as one of their natural resources still they can not get petroleum, diesel or gas to generate power and now is another story on the terrible price they have to pay to get electricity. How long can they bear this pain? We (Viewers corner) are appealing as concerned citizens of the world and at the same time advising the minister of power, Babatunde Fashola to liaise with the appropriate authorities and find solution to the problems of electricity in the country (Nigeria). Your good work in Lagos state was why majority of Nigerians thought that you would create better conditions in the power sector but some of the people we discussed with in Nigeria were a bit worried that you are not handling the power sector of the Nigerian economy nicely.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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