Coronavirus pandemic has brought out the hidden agendas of most rich countries of the world and how they intend to re-colonise third world countries most especially the continent of Africa. One particular country which partially has fallen victim of such system is Zambia, a country in the continent of Africa. Our (Viewers Corner News team) findings revealed that in Zambia, China has almost taken half of the country (Zambia) through various means. One of which is spending lots of money on the leadership of Zambia, a corrupt leadership which believes that the Chinese are doing them good. They have sold most of their lands to the Chinese and almost everything about Zambia is now China according to our findings. Some government agencies in Zambia are indirectly headed by Chinese and they also take almost all the earnings from Zambia back to China and many more, but in China the black people are being subjected to all sorts of horrible treatments which is unacceptable. Another horrible aspect is that some rich individuals from advance countries would go to Zambia and few other African countries with their foundations, all in the name of doing charity work to help the poor people but information they got from those countries in Africa are painted wrongly and put across to the world without proper investigation to know the truth. Most countries of the world use such wrong information to generalise that countries in the continent of Africa can not take care of themselves which is absolutely not correct. Some rich individuals from the advance countries with their charity organisations even went as far as to giving the continent of Africa bad names, it is either you go there to help them or sit back in your various countries because they have been living communal lives which they are happy with before you came with your unknown system, please live Africans alone. Again, we (Viewers Corner News team) would use this opportunity to call on those rich individuals from advance countries who are targeting the continent of Africa with their would be vaccines so that they could reduce the population of the people in various countries of Africa to watch out because the awareness created so far has made lots of people in Africa and around the world to understand what is happening. Africans are ready to send away any foreign intruder coming into their continent. Based on this, we (Viewers Corner News tea) are calling on African Union (AU) to call Zambia to order. Even though Zambia is a country of its own, it should not be a disgrace to the continent of Africa or bring an unwanted activities to the continent of Africa. We (Viewers Corner News team) shall write more on this topic in our next article.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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