Viewers Corner News correspondent learnt that Tokyo governor, Yoichi Masuzoe has resigned from his office on Wednesday, June 15th over corruption allegation against him. According to report, Yoichi Masuzoe was accused of spending public money on lavish hotels and spa trips, also he was alleged to have travelled overseas in first class, bought art online and spent public money on family outings and accommodation in Japan. He gave his resignation speech at the end of a Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly session on Wednesday, Masuzoe’s exit from office made him Tokyo second governor to resign since Tokyo was named host of the 2020 Olympics and this may bring setback on the Japanese city towards their journey to hosting 2020 Olympics.
When Masuzoe took over from his predecessor, Naoki Inose (who resigned late 2013 over corruption scandal), he pledged to run his government free from corruption or money scandal but he failed to keep his promise. An election for a new governor is expected to hold next month July, 2016.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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