Viewers Corner News is appealing to all Africa leaders to start thinking towards development and say No to selfishness, sentiment, corruption and “I don’t care attitude” which are big problems in the continent of Africa. Please African leaders work to elevate the sufferings of the masses in your various countries within the continent of Africa. Africa is a very rich continent, let the leaders use the available resources in their various countries to build infrastructures that would put their citizens to work. African leaders should emulate the good works of successful countries in most advance nations of the world. For example, the water bus that runs on the road and water including other good facilities that can ease the pains workers in various countries of Africa are passing through on daily basis. Even if water bus is not used in Africa, leaders in Africa should create better means of improving the facilities within their various countries. All these facilities the wealthy Africans are running to enjoy in advance countries are built out of hard work, dedication, honesty so that their citizens can live a normal and happy life. In Africa, all these facilities can be possible if corruption, selfishness and the “I don’t care attitude are properly addressed.
We (Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team) are appealing to all African leaders to think towards development. Let creativity, dedication and hard work be the key words for all the leaders in the continent of Africa, yes it can be possible through joint efforts.
We would also use this opportunity to appeal to all Nigerians to support President Buhari in the fight against corruption because it is a killer disease that has already ruin Nigeria which we hope and believe that can be fixed by President Buhari’s administration.
Source: Viewers Corner News.