Transportation business is a great source of income to any country if managed nicely. Our (Viewers Corner News team) recent findings revealed that president Buhari and his government are doing extremely well on this aspect with regards to the rail projects in the country (Nigeria). Preisdent Buhari’s government has real focus and all it takes to put things right, however we have no doubt in our mind that they would deliver nicely and if all the rail projects in the country (Nigeria) start functioning as the government plans based on the information Viewers Corner News team received, this sector alone would create huge benefits to the country. Now what the past governments were unable to do is what president Buhari and his government has just done within a short period of time, Viewers Corner News and the advisory team call them action government. This is the type of government Nigeria as a great nation needs to put things right based on our sincere findings, even the international community are pleased the way and manner president Buhari and his government are handling the affairs of the country (Nigeria). Therefore Viewers Corner News team is appealing to all Nigerians to support president Buhari and his government to rebuild Nigeria and make it great which we are sure his government can honestly do. It is true that the economic situation of the country is hitting Nigerians real hard at the moment but in the long run, success will surely be achieved.
Source: Viewers Corner News.