It is a well known fact at this point to note that the quality of leaders Nigeria as a country has and is still producing are part of the reasons the country (Nigeria) is not moving forward. Our (Viewers Corner News) correspondent in Owerri (Imo state, Nigeria) gathered recently that when governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo state was addressing youths in his state, he said that it would be better to be an armed robber than smoking weeds (Marijuana). Honestly, such illustration to describe a certain condition when addressing youths of his state who would be future leaders is not right as the governor of Imo state (Nigeria). A more appropriate word should have been used which brings us to saying that most Nigerian leaders are really the problems of the country (Nigeria). Now if governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo state (Nigeria) can openly say this as alleged, what sort of would be leaders is he pushing into the system? Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team expected governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo state (Nigeria) to use more polished words to describe whatever topic he was speaking about rather than using weeds and robbery as a tool to make a point. However, we (Viewers Corner News team) are appealing to Nigerian leaders to kindly choose their words carefully because everyone is listening most especially youths who are future leaders. If you as a leader advise them wrongly, at the end those youths would follow your footsteps and become problems for themselves and the country (Nigeria) but if they get good advice from the leaders who they see as their mentors, then they would grow with it which may in the long run be of benefits to them and the country (Nigeria). Again, we (Viewers Corner News team) are pleading with Nigerian leaders to always prepare themselves properly before coming out to advise the youths etc. Please leaders choose your words carefully to achieve results because nice things we say or do can change someone’s life for good. Somehow, most Nigerian leaders come out to speak and instead of using the right words, they resort to using the wrong ones thereby creating a situation that would affect the youths in a negative manner like governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo state (Nigeria) allegedly did recently by saying that it is better to be an armed robber than smoking weeds (Marijuana). These two combinations of words are very bad and should not have been used to make a point at all.
Source: Viewers Corner News