What do Nigerians expect from President Bola Tinubu, who finished school before that school was established? This is very disgraceful, and Nigerians are not talking about it.

Anyone in Nigeria who is expecting anything good from President Bola Tinubu’s leadership should think twice. The Viewers Corner News team said it before the election, and we are saying it again: President Bola Tinubu does not have the capacity to lead Nigeria. This is the truth: take it or leave it. The Viewers Corner News team has examined President Bola Tinubu’s new year message to Nigerians carefully, and we have concluded that APC/President Bola Tinubu’s government has absolutely nothing to offer the people of Nigeria. Those who elected President Bola Tinubu to office are the ones who brought the pain Nigerians are passing through today, which is very sad. However, Nigerians should bear the pain until the next four years, when they will have the opportunity to choose another leader. But for now, there is nothing anyone can do to remove President Bola Tinubu from office. Normally, if Nigeria is a place where the rule of law works, then there is no way Alhaji Bola Tinubu would have been declared the president of Nigeria. This is a man who lied about his age and the schools he attended. A man who has drug issues in the United States of America, which the constitution of Nigeria forbids, has now become the president of Nigeria. Wonders they say shall never end, and the people of Nigeria sit on the fence and watch such a man to be directing the affairs of the country. Honestly, this is unbelievable.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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