We (Viewers Corner News team) have written articles in the past concerning this topic and we are revisiting it again. One of the reasons Nigeria as a country is still backward is because those qualified individuals who would have worked to make the country (Nigeria) great are not given the opportunity to do so. Look at the set of leaders managing different ministries in Nigeria, including those elected state governors, majority of them do not know exactly what leadership is all about and the reason they were elected/appointed to run the affairs of their various states or ministries. It is not about the number of money a leader is able to acquire for himself and his family but using the available resources of the state in question or the country (Nigeria) to create infrastructures that would benefit all the people of the country. Look at electricity issue for example, each time a government is elected to office, such issue becomes so difficult to solve but during the election campaign, promises would be made on how to build and renovate everything which would at the end not be fulfilled. Such deceit is also affecting all the areas of the government, hence we (Viewers Corner News team) are calling on those leaders in various positions of authority to go back to the drawing table and figure out the best way forward for the country (Nigeria). In few years time, another election campaign would start and the same promises to deceive the people of Nigeria would begin. Such system has become a practice in Nigeria’s democracy which voters should think about and know who to cast their votes for when the time comes. If competence becomes a yardstick for electing leaders in the country (Nigeria), Nigeria in the shortest possible time would achieve her goals and become the envy of the world.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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