Viewers Corner got information from our source in Dubai that the Global Competitive report issued by the World Economic Forum for the year 2015-2016 shows that United Arab Emirates has been ranked the first country globally with the best roads.
The win came as a result of the sophisticated infrastructural projects in the country aimed at achieving the United Arab Emirates 2021 vision, and which are in line with the international standards adopted by the country to become one of the best countries in the world.

Viewers Corner is reporting this good news to show the third world leaders especially Nigeria that has the same mineral resource (crude oil) with U.A.E that they can achieve the same result as U.A.E if they remove corruption in their systems. Nigerian leaders instead of utilizing the revenue they are getting from crude oil to develop the country, they prefer to loot Nigerian treasury dry and dump their loots in the foreign banks where the advance world will make use of those money to develop their countries. Almost all Nigerian roads are dead traps yet we have the same crude oil the United Arab Emirates have and they are utilizing theirs to develop their country.
The sad aspect is that when an individual or group criticize Nigerian politicians/leaders on their poor leadership, the same poor masses that are suffering as a result of poor leadership/corruption will come out to defend them and be shouting witch hunting. What surprises Viewers Corner is this, do Nigerian masses enjoy suffering? If we do not stand up and demand good governance/leadership from these corrupt Nigerian politicians, they will never provide basic amenities needed by the Nigerian citizens. There are so much hunger in the country, Nigerian roads are so nasty and dead traps, youths are jobless, no good educational system in the country, no good medical facilities etc. yet one politician will own several mansions and fat bank accounts in the foreign and local banks. This is too bad.
Viewers Corner is appealing to President Buhari to use his good office as the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to checkmate all these governors in their various states in Nigeria because most of them are not there to serve the masses but for their selfish interest to loot the treasury and dry the economy.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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