It is true that there is no smoke without fire, demand and supply are like brother and sister (you may not talk about demand without mentioning supply). Now the point Viewers corner is trying to establish here is that Britain is also part of the game of corruption because if Nigerian politicians who stole trillions upon trillions of Nigerian hard earned money have no place to hide them, most probably they may not have the mind to steal continuously. Our findings has shown that since Nigeria gained her independent from Britain in 1960, most Nigerian politicians have been transferring Nigerian hard earnings illegally into Britain and other parts of the world but the past British leaders did not advise them to take their stolen wealth back to their country (Nigeria) until now that David Cameron, the British prime minister mentioned that Nigeria is fantastically a corrupt nation. Even before he (Cameron) became the prime minister of Britain, he knew that Nigerian politicians were hiding money in Britain. Why did he not speak out then and ask them to take their stolen wealth back home (Nigeria)? This is food for thought. 
Now he knows completely that Nigerian politicians had painted the country bad which gave rise to all sorts of atrocities being committed by ordinary Nigerians who are trying to make a living for themselves both in Nigeria and around the world. Again what effort has David Cameron of Britain and the British law makers made as regards returning the stolen wealth back to the federal government of Nigeria? All we noted in the past were deceits and now David Cameron is calling Nigeria names. Please try and return all the wealth Nigerian politicians kept in Britain so that president Buhari would use them to implement his programs in Nigeria which would bring benefits to the citizens of the country (Nigeria). 
Based on our findings, all the travelling president Buhari has been doing since he took over from ex president Goodluck Jonathan has been to plead with countries around the world where Nigerian politicians kept their stolen wealth so that they can return them back to the country (Nigeria) and also for economic reasons too. Nigeria is not moving forward today as a result of corruption which is a major disease that needs to be eradicated completely in the Nigerian system. We also noted that economic planning and development is placed in the hands of some Nigerian politicians who do not have adequate knowledge and what it takes to lead the people to glory, most of them are there only to enrich themselves and their families. We (Viewers corner) again advise that leaders in Nigeria should start seeing all Nigerians as one big family by using the available resources in the country to create good facilities for the Nigerian people, this is part of why leaders are elected. Please show concern to the Nigerian people who have been suffering economic hardship for so long by finding solution on how it would end so that they can be happy and live a normal and happy life.
Source: Viewers Corner News.
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