It is unfortunate that after 59 years of independence, Nigeria is still in darkness. Power supply to the people of the country is not what anyone can be proud of. Our (Viewers Corner News team) recent visit to various states across Nigeria was an interesting one but there are lots of things the federal government of Nigeria is not getting right. One of them is the issue of providing electricity to the people of Nigeria. Most states we (Viewers Corner News team) visited do not have constant light. In some states in Nigeria, people are completely in darkness and despite being in darkness, Electricity Distribution Companies (Discos) would send huge amount of money as electricity bill for the consumers to pay which is not right. How can anyone pay for service he or she did not use? This is a scam coming from the electricity distribution companies (Discos) in the affected states across Nigeria which we (Viewers Corner News team) are calling on the federal government of Nigeria to put an end to it completely. The federal government of Nigeria should introduce meter system in the country (Nigeria) and be very strict about it. This would help to solve the problem electricity consumers are facing in Nigeria. Another point we (Viewers Corner News team) are calling the federal government of Nigeria to look into is this; let proper reform on issues of power supply be carried out because the huge amount of money that has been pumped into power is more than enough to give constant electricity in the country. It is either the federal government of Nigeria is not going about it the right way or they are not telling the people of Nigeria the truth concerning the issue of power supply. In some places in Nigeria, throughout a week, the Electricity Distribution Companies (Discos) would just bring light for few hours and after that, no more for that week which is not right. The federal government of Nigeria should step up action on this electricity issue so that the people of Nigeria can at least have light in their homes. This is a call which needs the federal government’s attention. Nigeria as a country should have grown past power supply problems by now, the country (Nigeria) is 59 years old and still rationing electricity for her people. Such system is frustrating and not a good image for Nigeria.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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