Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS)


Those running the affairs of Nigeria have ruined the country completely. Years back, many Nigerians both home and abroad used to think that the past governments were very corrupt and extravagant in spending Nigeria’s hard earn money which they thought that voting APC/president Buhari’s led government to office based on their campaign promises would end corruption in the country but as it is now, they are even worse than the past governments who led Nigeria before they took over power. The only difference is that the APC/president Buhari’s led government is doing theirs secretly and smoothly without many Nigerians knowing about it. If you look at the debt Nigeria as a country is owing at the moment, it has reached an alarming stage which Viewers Corner News team expected that by now, the federal government of Nigeria should have gone back to the drawing table to figure out where things went wrong in order to fix it. Meaning that the federal government of Nigeria should cut down on so many unnecessary expenditure and put money on areas that would grow the economy of the country. Look at one bad example of what Viewers Corner News team is talking about, in 2021 fiscal year, about 1.4 billion Naira has been set aside for refreshment alone by Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) which is completely different from the salaries workers take home on monthly basis from that ministry. This amount of money is huge to be wasted on refreshment alone in a country where unemployment has reached an alarming rate, power supply to most homes across Nigeria is not there, infrastructures generally have fallen below average. In education, it is the same set back too which should be the concern of the federal government of Nigeria on how to have these projects fixed, but unfortunately less effort has been put on these areas of development which is troubling. Our point is this, Viewers Corner News team is not against refreshment for Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) but these are trying times when all the resources of the country should be channelled towards development until things get better. When at least more than half of the projects in Nigeria are completed, then refreshment could follow. Again, the way Nigeria as a country is struggling now does not permit such huge budget of about 1.4 billion Naira for refreshment by Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) which is the truth, this money could be used in other areas of development. There are also some aspects of the budget which should be looked into and have it amended. Again progressive countries of the world always make budget based on their incomes and even if they are going to borrow, they know that it would not be too far above their projected incomes at any giving time but that is not the case in Nigeria. Nigeria borrows from whichever country that is ready to offer them loan without thinking of the implication and how such miscalculation is going to affect the future generation of the country which is bad.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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