There is no way Mr. Godswill Akpabio would have become the Senate President of Nigeria if Nigeria had a system that works for all Nigerians.

Mr. Godswill Akpabio had so many skeletons inside his cupboard before he became the Senate President of Nigeria. Even a fraud case of up to 438 billion naira was allegedly tied to his neck till today, which may be revisited when he leaves office. He was also accused of so many wrongdoings as the chairman of the Niger Delta Development Commission and many more, which we wrote about in the past. This same man is now the Senate President of Nigeria and did not follow due process before getting the position he is occupying, as described under the law of Nigeria. He used his position to approve most bills into law when they got to his table without much debate to know if such bills merit it or not. Even in the 2024 budget, it was alleged that so many irregularities were found in it. This deceitful system can be used as a weapon to have him removed from office. But because he is working according to the wishes of those who brought him to the office, he has no case to answer, which is bad. We believe that someday a corrupt free leader shall be elected to office, and when that time comes, those who abused and betrayed the trust Nigerians have for them shall pay a price for their actions. We are watching and waiting to see how things will turn out.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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