The worst mistake France will make is to attack the Niger Republic or any of those French-speaking countries in Africa.

The Viewers Corner News correspondent in Burkina Faso gathered from a reliable source that a French warship was seen at the shores of the Ivory Coast and Benin Republic, which the French authorities denied. Since most French colonies of Africa asked them to leave the continent because of the ill treatment France gave them, it has been from one story to another. France, on its own, has not been happy about such rejection. When the Viewers Corner News team went further to find out these facts, we discovered that truly, France has not been fair to those countries they colonised in Africa, which is bad. Even ordinary roads leading to where France got all those natural resources in Africa are so bad; they just go there to collect the natural resources of Africa and leave without investing in those countries. France forgot that such neglect can cause severe damage to the people of that region. France has been doing so in all the countries they colonised in Africa. Another terrible aspect is that the agreement signed by those French-speaking countries in Africa with France was not favourable. The activities of France in Africa only created poverty. So when the new generation of African leaders reviewed these agreements, they came to the conclusion that the only way they could develop their countries was to ask France to leave the continent of Africa. And now, France allegedly wants to stage a war in Africa so that they can get back to their usual position of exploiting the countries they colonised. The Viewers Corner News team believes that France has lost the continent of Africa to other countries in the world who are prepared to trade with Africa and at the same time treat them as equal partners. But for the leaders of Ivory Coast and Benin Republic, Africans all over the world have named them puppets of France, which is exactly what they are.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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