This is an inspirational message to all the citizens of this world. The Almighty God created us the same way, gave us everything on earth so that mankind will live with one another in peace, unity and harmony as one big family on earth, but if we look around the world today, so many bad things are happening more than we expected. Countries versus countries fighting one another, different killings everywhere.
My good citizens of this sweet world, if you take a look at it, this is not the original idea on how things should be done on earth. We can live with one another in peace, unity and harmony. Surely, is just a matter of understanding and for peace to exist, one party must step down and accept the other’s ideas. Even if we do not agree with the other party’s principles, doing it nicely will be the best solution so that both sides will be happy. We call this WISDOM, DIALOGUE AND DIPLOMACY. This does not make the first party which decides to step down for the other party or persons a lesser human being or a coward. Let us come together as one and build a healthy world for us all. THIS IS FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
Again, look at the conflicts between the Israel and Palestine, for peace to completely be achieved in that middle east region, one party will have to swallow his pride and step down for the purpose of peace, unity and harmony. This does not make any of the groups less important. We are the same in the eyes of Almighty God and is going to judge everyone based on our activities on earth, how we treat our fellow human beings on earth and other godly creatures. However, this attitude of I am better than this person should stop please. Every human being on earth has a special and unique features as designed and created by Almighty God.
Once again, Viewers Corner is appealing to everyone on earth to do the right thing, treat your fellow human beings nicely and other godly creatures. Always remember that there is a reward for every good thing an individual does to assist another human being and other creatures on earth.

Greg Emordi


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