Russia and NATO

The war between NATO and Russia may not last for too long if it happens. Hear why we say so.

We have appealed to all NATO countries in the past in our capacity as advisers and as an international media group, especially the United States of America, to make peace with Russia because the adverse effect of any war is not always good. It is the poor innocent ones around the world, who are in the majority, that would suffer more. But they did not want to listen to our advice. Right now, there is a buildup of NATO troops in Poland, planning and waiting to start a war with Russia, all in the name of helping Ukraine because NATO countries believe that Russia is oppressing Ukraine. Again, some honest leaders of the world know exactly the game plan of NATO, which we shall discuss as time goes on. The Viewers Corner News team would also use this opportunity to inform all NATO countries since they have concluded plans to go to war with Russia based on their buildup in Poland, which is so visible for everyone around the world to see that Russia is not like Libya, Iraq, or other countries that NATO invaded in the past. Russia is a world power with large numbers of very dangerous weapons; among them are nuclear weapons, which the leadership of Russia has threatened to use when it is necessary to do so. Therefore, the Viewers Corner News team is again calling on NATO countries to re-examine their decision to go to war with Russia before it is too late. We believe that when two giants fight, many things can go wrong in the world. Hence, we are appealing for the world to have peace because if the war begins, it may not be favourable to NATO countries, especially in Europe. So European countries should tread carefully by avoiding anything that is going to create unimaginable hardship for the people of Europe.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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