Most Nigerian politicians are very selfish, corrupt and wicked. The welfare of other Nigerians who are not in their looting group does not matter to them at all. Honestly majority of them have attitude problems. They formed the habit of deceiving Nigerians all the time by telling them what they want to hear at any giving time, most especially when election is getting near and it is very unfortunate that majority of Nigerians have failed completely to read the handwritings on the wall concerning how the Nigerian politicians are manipulating them to get very rich. Now that political campaign in Nigeria is gradually coming, the Nigerian politicians have already mapped out their strategies on how to corner the voters to achieve their selfish desires. Issues of religion and ethnicity would not be there for now because some huge amount of money would go into their pockets but when that is done, then they would all remember religion and ethnicity. The problem here is that the ordinary people of Nigeria are the ones suffering it, therefore we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) are appealing to all Nigerian voters to also plan their strategies by asking questions and getting correct answers on who to cast your votes for. This is because your single vote can make a whole lot of difference. Do not vote for a political party that want to put only cash in your pockets by borrowing to finance such system. Economics does not work like that because in the long run, it would backfire which was P.D.P’s system in the past and that was why they failed completely. We shall discuss more on this particular topic in our future article. Please Nigerian voters cast your votes to an individual which would create employment for everyone in the country (Nigeria) and in so doing, there would be continuity and at the same time the future of the country (Nigeria) would be safe for you and the generation yet unborn. APC is the only political party we believe that can do that completely because they are very transparent and can not steal money from the treasury of the country (Nigeria). P.D.P is a failed political party and does not have what it takes to lead Nigeria. Sincerely their 16 years of leading Nigeria was looting all the time which we hope all Nigerians would have been aware of by now, the records are there in Nigeria to show for it. Again P.D.P is a failed political party and can never change because the same group of people who ruined the economy of Nigeria in the past are still coming back to continue from where they stopped. Please do not allow them until proper reform is carried out in the party (P.D.P) and those that ruined the economy of Nigeria in the past should be benched. Right now the party (P.D.P) remains a bad news because those looters are still there. APC is a progressive party and the way forward for Nigeria which is the truth and nothing but the truth.
Source: Viewers Corner News.