Military takeover

The use of force in the Niger Republic by France or the use of the wrong words would put France in a more tight corner. Dialogue should be the Key word.

The best solution that the Viewers Corner News team is asking France to employ is the use of dialogue in the present situation they are in with the Niger Republic. The use of force by manipulating some African countries to stage a war in the Niger Republic that France and the would-be African countries can never win is not going to do France any good. We have advised France on this issue in the past, and we are doing so again. For so many years, France has been abusing its colonies on the continent of Africa by stealing their natural resources without trying to assist the countries they colonized. Now the new generation of leaders in Africa are saying that they cannot be rich in natural resources and still be among the poorest countries in the world. They have the right to say so because that is the truth. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the leadership of France to re-negotiate their deals with the Niger Republic and other countries in Africa. This is the only way forward. We would also use this opportunity to call on the leadership of Cameroon to reform their banking system; allowing France to be in charge of their monetary policy, as alleged, is not the best way forward. Cameroon is a sovereign nation and should be able to manage her resources without interference from France or any other world power, as they are called. It is absolutely wrong to do so.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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