The United States president-elect, Mr. Donald Trump, is not in any position to end the existence of BRICS nations and their currency.

We had talked about how great Mr. Donald Trump’s leadership of the United States of America would be because we believe that as a businessman and a politician, he will be able to lead the people of his country nicely. But then, if Mr. Donald Trump, who is the president-elect of the United States of America, begins to speak on how he would deal with BRICS nations and other countries of the world if they stopped using the US dollar, then such an approach may hurt his presidency. Again, we believe that every leader should encourage fair play in every aspect of human existence; those who want to trade with the BRICS currency should not be stopped, and those who want to also trade with the US dollar should feel free to do so; it should not be a must that every country in the world should trade with the US dollar. We are therefore appealing to the president-elect of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump, to tread carefully with BRICS nations and their currency because trying to pull them down would make them stronger, which may drastically affect the US dollar. So be wise as a businessman and keep on doing the right thing.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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