Civilisation has brought lots of changes which is very nice and highly appreciated by lots of people in the world. However, certain values and culture of some people do not accept some teachings or practice from the civilised world, therefore forcing them to accept such civilisation which the West has embraced for so many years would not be that easy. If at all such system is going to be introduced to the people, it has to be carefully explained why they should embrace or add such values to the exiting ones they inherited from their forefathers. The issue of homosexual anywhere it is mentioned in the third world countries most especially in the continent of Africa is regarded as a taboo and against the culture of the people based on our findings. The United States of America threatening African countries with sanctions if they do not decriminalise homosexual is like imposing a system the United States and some countries of the world have adopted for so many years on the people of other nations which may not be acceptable to them. President Joe Biden of the United States of America is a great man and very peaceful who also believes in the culture and norms of the people, hence Viewers Corner News team is appealing to him and his government to let the values and culture of some people be respected and decided by them because no matter how anyone would preach about homosexual, majority of people in the third world countries most especially in the continent of Africa would not come to terms with such practice. Again, now that you (President Joe Biden) are the president of the United States, the world expects more good things from you like it used to be which the United States is know for and adored.
Source: Viewers Corner News.