The United States of America and the West want to drag Nigeria into Niger’s conflict just to protect their interests in that country. Nigeria should ignore such a move.

The West and the United States of America want Nigeria to use force to remove the military government in the Niger Republic, and as a result of that, the United States of America is playing the good boy game with Nigeria. It is not because the United States of America and the West like Nigeria that much; they are doing so because of what they are getting from the Niger Republic. So, Nigeria and the ECOWAS, including the Africa Union, should get that fact now. The Viewers Corner News team is calling on President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria not to be used by the West and the United States of America to enter into a conflict that would bring problems to Nigeria. Nigeria on her own has enough crises already, and we expect President Bola Tinubu to find solutions on how he is going to get them fixed. If at all Nigeria wants to play a part in the Niger Republic’s conflict, they should use diplomacy. The use of force should be avoided, no matter the assistance Nigeria is going to get from the United States of America and her allies to fight the military government in the Niger Republic. Such a move is going to bring Nigeria backward. The United States of America is far away, and if the conflict escalates, it is Nigeria and her citizens that will suffer the pain, so President Bola Tinubu should be guided and do what is right by ignoring those who are asking him to use his position as ECOWAS chairman to fight the military government in the Niger Republic. It is absolutely wrong to do so. ECOWAS, the AU, and President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria should have a rethink before embarking on a war mission to the Niger Republic, assuming they decide to go to war, which they can never win.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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