Myanmar massacre


Last week’s atrocity in Myanmar, which was blamed on junta troops that killed over 30 people was condemned by the United Nations Security Council. The executions occurred on Christmas Eve in eastern Kayah state, where pro-democracy insurgents have been fighting the military, which took power from the democratically elected government in February. In a statement issued by the members of the Security Council, they emphasized the need to ensure accountability for this conduct. They also demanded an immediate end to all violence and stressed the need of upholding human rights and guaranteeing civilian safety. according to the statement, the incident killed at least 35 people, including four children. Following the raid, anti-junta forces claim to have discovered more than 30 burned dead, including women and children, on a highway in Kayah state. Two employees of “Save the Children” had gone missing, and the rights organization verified that they were among the dead on Tuesday. According to a local monitoring group, Myanmar has been in disarray since the February coup, with over 1,300 people dead in a security crackdown. To combat the junta, self-proclaimed “People’s Defense Forces” have sprung around the country, drawing the military into a violent stalemate of confrontations and reprisals. Following the attack, the United States called for an arms embargo against the junta. Also the Western countries have long limited weaponry to Myanmar’s military, which was accused of crimes against humanity for a violent campaign against the Rohingya minority during the country’s pre-coup political transition. In June, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution prohibiting arms supplies to Myanmar, but the move was only symbolic because it was not adopted by the more powerful Security Council. Myanmar’s main arms suppliers are China and Russia, both of which have veto power in the UN Security Council, as well as India.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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