Viewers Corner News correspondent in Enugu (Nigeria) informed us that some groups from the south east have assembled few names which they are planning to push forward if Igbos (south east) are asked to present a candidate for the post of a president come 2023. In our (Viewers Corner News team) opinion and based on our comprehensive study of those they are likely going to present for the job (president), without twisting words none of them is qualified to lead Nigeria because of corruption which we (Viewers Corner News team) found in some of those candidates, if not all. The worst among them is governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state (Nigeria), followed by Dr Ogbonnaya Onu who is the current minister of science and technology (Nigeria). Dr Ogbonnaya Onu can not make a good president of Nigeria because of some reasons which we (Viewers Corner News team) shall explain in our next article. Again, presenting governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state to be the president of Nigeria is like bringing back Mrs Diezani Alison Madueke (ex-petroleum minister of Nigeria and a very corrupt woman) to be the president of Nigeria and also Mrs Ngozi Olejeme to be her vice president which is completely disastrous. Let the truth be told because it is the key to what Nigeria as a country seeks which we (Viewers Corner News team) are prepared to reveal at all times. We (Viewers Corner News team) are advising the good people of Nigeria to look for credibility when searching for a leader. Now hear this; it does not really matter the tribe or region any individual comes from as long as he or she is credible and can carry all the people of Nigeria as one big family. The said individual should also be well liked by majority of Nigerians as a result of his or her good works starting from the community the said individual comes from, electing such person or persons to lead shall pave way for greatness in the country (Nigeria). Nigerians should not take because a region of the country has not produced any president in the past therefore they should accept whoever that comes from there to be the president of the country (Nigeria) even if the said individual has lots of skeletons in his cupboard. NO, leadership does not work that way. We (Viewers Corner News team) believe that south east has lots of credible people who are very honest and hardworking, if giving the opportunity to run the affairs of Nigeria, they would do well but certainly not those names from the south east which the people of Nigeria are familiar with. Honestly, many of them are on the wrong side of leadership, therefore suggesting to push some of them forward come 2023 for the presidency is like recycling corruption and poverty which is the truth. We (Viewers Corner News team) would like to see Nigeria become great and take a centre stage in the world’s economy, therefore whoever that would make this possible whether from the south east, south south, south west or the north should be supported by all Nigerians. In the past, we (Viewers Corner News team) wrote articles concerning vice president Yemi Osinbajo and governor Babagana Zulum’s ticket come 2023. These two great men are very credible and with listening ear. If Nigerians can elect them to lead the country (Nigeria), they would do well. Governor Babagana Zulum of Borno state (Nigeria) is a very moderate human being who would work for all the people of Nigeria no matter their ethnicity. He is a great man and Viewers Corner News team favours him as one of those that would take Nigeria to the next level if he is giving the opportunity to lead. Our (Viewers Corner News team) study shows that governor Babagana Zulum of Borno state (Nigeria) and vice president president Yemi Osinbajo are two great leaders Viewers Corner News team shall continue to present to the people of Nigeria. Honestly, they would make a good team that would work for the betterment of all Nigerians.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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