The Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria will make sure that election malpractices are avoided, but some bad elements within the commission who have no conscience would prefer to collect money from incompetent candidates, knowing that such candidates may not be able to lead well if elected to office. This has to do with how patriotic those individuals at the Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria are. Some of them are prepared to go the extra mile to assist those incompetent candidates to get to power as long as they get money from them, which is sad. In our opinion, what would end this type of terrible issue is a situation where proper education is given to all, letting both workers at the Independent National Electoral Commission and all Nigerians know that they have no other country except Nigeria. If you compromise your position to put someone in a position of authority, when you know that the person in question can not handle the job properly, then you have ruined the country and the future generations of Nigeria. Again, poverty and hunger will be the order of the day, as they are currently in Nigeria and other African countries. But when you learn to do the right thing, then it will be the beginning of a new era. A situation where the person who takes over from a good leader follows suit and continues the great work for the country. What we are preaching is patriotism and being fair in every election. Do not sell your conscience by taking money and voting for the wrong candidate when you know he cannot deliver; doing so will always bring Nigeria backward. The Independent National Electoral Commission of Nigeria should help Nigeria grow by being honest and calling the results of the elections as they should be without cutting corners.
Source: Viewers Corner News.