Russian government announced on Friday, November 27, 2015 that it will suspend visa free travel with Turkey starting from January, 2016. The rift between the two countries is deepening due to the downing of Russian warplane by the Turkish fighter jet at the Syrian border.
It all started during the G-20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey when President Vladimir Putin accused Turkey of having business deal with the Islamic states militants by showing the G-20 leaders pictures of how convoys of oil trucks carrying crude from fields controlled by the Islamic State group into Turkey. Then on Tuesday, 24th November, Turkey shot down the Russian military jet claiming that the Russian warplane flew for 17 seconds into Turkish airspace. President Vladimir Putin demanded an apology from the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan but up till now Recep Tayyip Erdogan has refused to apologize.
According to reports, Russian government has restricted tourist travel, left Turkish trucks stranded at the border and confiscated large quantities of Turkish food imports. Viewers Corner’s opinion on this issue is that NATO and the world leaders should step into this matter in order to find a lasting solution to this problem before it gets worse and escalates into another problem which will be difficult to handle.
Source: Viewers Corner.