At the national executive committee meeting of All Progressive Congress (A.P.C) held in Abuja (Nigeria) recently, president Buhari sincerely mentioned that the remaining three years in office shall be result oriented. Now that the 2016 budget has been passed by the Nigeria national assembly, work would resume in earnest. This is a very good speech coming from Buhari, the president of Nigeria. Our (Viewers corner) prayers and support will always be with president Buhari and his administration because we believe that he has come to work for the country (Nigeria) so that the less privilege Nigerians who have been in difficult situations for so long as a result of the poor leadership of the past governments would have the opportunity to smile again. Another aspect we (Viewers corner) are appealing to president Buhari and his administration to kindly look into is areas of infrastructures in the country, fuel scarcity, no steady power supply, no good network services (telecommunications) in the country and also issues of unemployment. All these needs urgent attention because the hardship which the Nigerian people are facing is so much and we also believe that with the passage of this 2016 budget, implementations of various activities within the country shall start in earnest which would bring relief to the citizens of Nigeria.
Source: Viewers Corner News.