Information reaching Viewers Corner News revealed that some group of people are calling on the federal government of Nigeria to increase the price of petrol in the country, this is not the right time for such practice. We would like to remind those that are calling on this increase to understand that in recession period, such increase is not a good idea. What the Nigerian government should do now is to review her economic policies and see where they could make some cuts and also tax some wealthy citizens of the country most especially the senators, members of the house of representatives and other businesses that are doing extremely nice but again this practice should be for a period of time and as soon as things become normal, such practice should stop and those affected in this exercise should get a yearly tax relief. The idea of this system is that money realized through this method could be used to fund viable projects which would at the end bring benefits to the country (Nigeria) but first the government should define their objectives and know how to approach it. We (Viewers Corner News team) brought this suggestion because the ordinary citizens of Nigeria have suffered enough and any increase of any kind impose on them would hurt them severely therefore the federal government of Nigeria rejecting calls for increase in the price of petrol is a good one. With this group of individuals calling for an increase in the price of petrol, how can the ordinary people of the country (Nigeria) survive it? This is a country that is in recession, the unemployment rate has jumped to a very high level, cost of living is so high and business activities are not moving so well in the country (Nigeria).
Please there should be no increase of any product or services for now until the recession is over.
Source: Viewers Corner News.