
The racial segregation policy is still being practised in South Africa by minority whites, which is unacceptable.

Our focus today is on a white town right inside South Africa, which is called Orania, where black people who are the real owners of the country are not allowed to live and work in that town. A Viewers Corner News correspondent in Johannesburg, South Africa, who covered the story extensively revealed that in Orania, the white people there have their own bank and also print their own money. These white people, who are called the Africanas, are originally from Europe. Our correspondent spoke to one of the white men from Orania, who happened to be residing in Johannesburg. The white African told our correspondent that they are not racist, but they are only trying to preserve their ancestral heritage; hence, they choose to live on their own and would not want any interference from anyone. Our point here is this: no one is telling them not to preserve their ancestral heritage, as the white man claimed, but for the simple reason that no black person is allowed to live and work in that town called Orania, which means that the segregation policy is still much alive in South Africa, which is bad. Based on this, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the leadership of South Africa to look into this issue. This is 2024, a time where we expect all human beings to live together and tolerate one another, which we believe, by so doing, would bring peace and harmony among the human race. We shall continue to preach peace, which is the essence of our existence as human beings. Again, if the Africanas, as they are called, who have created their own special place right inside South Africa cannot coexist with other races, then the best is for them to look elsewhere in the world and form their own system. Certainly, it is advisable that such a policy of segregation should not be practised in South Africa, which had in the past seen the ugly side of apartheid.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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