Some United States voters who our correspondent spoke with in various states of the country (U.S.A.)  gave their reasons why they believe Donald Trump would make a better President than every other candidate that is campaigning for the highest post (President) in the United States of America. Some said that Donald Trump is a no nonsense man and they believe that no group or cabal in the United States of America would intimidate him or ask him to do what they want him to do, most especially if that does not go inline with his beliefs. That he is his own man, not like some Presidents who ruled the U.S. in the past and had always yielded to the cabals in most times but with Donald Trump they believe that he can never play into the hands of these big names who would always give ultimatum to the President of the country. Somehow whether this is real or not, these are the opinions of some of the voters in the U.S.
Some of these voters also said that these cabals are underground and manipulating the system, that with Donald Trump as the President of United States of America, no one would do that to him because he is his own man but Viewers Corner has different opinion on that. Like we have already been saying that in politics, anything is possible, most times the aspiring Presidential candidates do not keep to their promises during campaigns. They say all sorts of things to win voter’s mind and as soon as a winner is declared and sworn into office, all the promises he or she made to the voters are thrown into the trash can. We may not have any good answer to why their promises are not kept but we assumed that is politics, so if Donald trump wins and fulfill all his promises then that would be good for his supporters but our (Viewers Corner) opinion on this is that if Donald Trump wins the Republican ticket to run for the highest post (President) in the united states of America, then is going to be a clear win for the Democrats to occupy the White House which may see Hilary Clinton as leading the country (U.S.A.) hopefully.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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