
The Nigerian government allegedly spent more than 240 million naira on tyres in one day.

Nigeria, under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu, is completely at zero point. Those who voted for Alhaji Bola Tinubu to lead Nigeria are now suffering more than other Nigerians who said that he is not the right man for the job, and they rejected him from day one because they knew he could not deliver. But because of tribesman mentality, some groups of people voted for him, and now as the president of Nigeria, he has turned the country into a debt nation. How can the government of Nigeria spend over 240 million naira on tyres in a day as alleged? Such huge sums of money can float companies in Nigeria where tyres can be produced. But because the leadership of Nigeria has no direction, they spent such a huge amount of money on just tyres in a day. This is so surprising. Again, we are calling on the people of Nigeria to have a rethink in the 2027 election. If a leader who has nothing to offer the people of Nigeria is elected to office, the suffering would continue, which no one in the country would wish to happen. Time has come for Nigerians to put sentiment aside and vote for credibility and integrity; doing so would bring Nigeria back on her feet.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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