Ibrahim Traora

The military leader of Burkina Faso has rejected the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) loan.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is a company that is marketing and looking for customers to grow its organization. So the IMF is trying to reach out to countries across the world by offering their services to whoever needs them, which is understandable. But as the leader of a country, it is your responsibility to either reject or accept such loans and the conditions attached to them. Again, the IMF and other financial institutions in the world targeted countries on the continent of Africa because they knew that most African leaders are so corrupt and would need such money from the IMF for their luxury lifestyles. Hence, they are selling their services to them, and the crazy aspect of it is that the conditions attached to the loans are so horrible that if you take such loans, it becomes absolutely very hard to pay back, and most of these African leaders do not go through these documents properly before accepting these loans. All these and more, put together, have brought countries on the continent of Africa to a zero point. Despite all this, the corrupt leaders on the continent of Africa who accepted these loans would turn around to steal more than half of the money collected as loans to rebuild their countries and put it into their own pockets, which is sad. Now the IMF has seen that the military leader of Burkina Faso is doing remarkably well in his country. He has chased away some foreign nationals who are looting the resources of Burkina Faso, and now progress has been recorded in the country, thereby making Burkina Faso one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The IMF, seeing these trends, is now offering to give loans to Burkina Faso. We believe that the moment the country accepts such loans, the possibility of the country growing its economy will not exist anymore. Based on that, the leader of Burkina Faso, Ibrahim Traore, completely rejected the loan offer. He told the IMF that his country can develop without taking loans because they have all the natural resources to achieve their objectives and make Burkina Faso great.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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