Viewers Corner News correspondent in Abuja (Nigeria) gathered that some law makers in the senate are pushing for a bill that would enable the Nigerian government establish drug rehabilitation centers in each of the states in Nigeria, this is a welcome news if approved. We appreciate the efforts of these senators who are sponsoring this bill in the House (Senate) because a good percentage of Nigerians are drug addicts based on our research conducted recently in the country (Nigeria). These dangerous drugs are capable of ruining one’s life forever but if these rehabilitation centers would be established then it would go a long way in creating proper therapy for the patients which would automatically correct these drugs syndrome that has affected some Nigerians in a negative way. We would also advise the health ministry in Nigeria to create an awareness program that would educate the Nigerian public on the dangers of using terrible drugs. There is no benefit one gets from taking these dangerous substance (Drugs), it can only ruin the person’s life in the long run.
Once again, we support the building of rehabilitation centers in various states of the country (Nigeria) and while that is going on, the Nigerian government should start educating her citizens through various social medias on the reasons these dangerous narcotics should not be taken.
Source: Viewers Corner News.