Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team is appealing to president Buhari of Nigeria not to give a listening ear to this bill (hate speech bill) which is being discussed at the moment in the country (Nigeria). Sincerely it would be a kill-joy if such bill is put into law for a great country like Nigeria. Those corrupt Nigerian politicians in the national assembly and their associates would use this bill (hate speech bill) to silence the voice of reasoning in the country (Nigeria) which would not be good. It is a well known fact that lots of people in Nigeria use words recklessly to hurt others which is also not good but then the court of law is there. If you feel offended that someone has defamed you, the best thing to do would be to take the said individual to a law court. The point we (Viewers Corner News team) are making here is that a special bill restricting people from voicing their opinion on any issue in a democratic system of government is uncalled for. If such bill becomes law in Nigeria assuming, the implication would be huge and dangerous. We (Viewers Corner News team) also learned that those sponsoring the bill want a death sentence on anyone found guilty of such offence which is not what democracy is trying to achieve. The punishment is too harsh, therefore president Buhari should kindly take note of this terrible bill whenever it gets to his table for approval. Please do not sign it into law assuming it gets to your desk because such bill is as good as those running a dictatorship system of government and should be discarded completely. Nigeria is a democratic country and should be a shining example for others to follow. If a hate speech bill is put into law which carries death penalty assuming, what of those Nigerian politicians who stole billions of both Naira and foreign currencies, thereby putting the people of Nigeria into economic hardship which led to stress related illnesses and later death. Honestly those politicians being prosecuted at the moment which we (Viewers Corner News team) assume that at the end they may be giving lighter sentence or even freed while hate speech bill which does not mean much carries death sentence. Great Nigerians, is this bill fair? We (Viewers Corner News team) leave you all to figure out what the implication would be. Another important fact is that there are three groups of people in the country (Nigeria) who are trying to destroy Nigeria by making laws to suit themselves and their families without thinking of the Nigerians masses who are in majority in the country (Nigeria) but without power. These groups of people are; the Nigerian politicians, the Nigerian police and the lawyers. Viewers Corner News (the International media) would continue to be the voice for the voiceless people around the world and to also advise the Nigerian politicians to start doing the right thing to make the country (Nigeria) great and stop abusing democracy with their terrible and laughable would be bill (hate speech bill). Sincerely such bill if passed into law in Nigeria, believe it or not, it is as good as a military regime because it would cage the freedom of speech of everyone in the country (Nigeria)

Source: Viewers Corner News.