Pensioners in Nigeria

The government of Nigeria should look into the pension allowances of elders in Nigeria and have them upgraded.

It is so surprising to see pensioners in Nigeria who worked throughout their lives serving their country, and when they retire, the government of Nigeria pays them peanuts on a monthly basis as pension allowances. With what pensioners are collecting on a monthly basis in Nigeria, it cannot even buy their medicines. But on a yearly basis, the government of Nigeria is subsidizing pilgrimage programs with billions of naira for some Nigerians while pensioners suffer in abject poverty. How can a pensioner in Nigeria receive about 35 thousand naira in a month after so many years of service to his or her country? Based on this, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to the government of Nigeria to urgently look into this issue and have it reviewed so that pensioners in Nigeria can at least have a comfortable living.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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