We (Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team) have seen why governorship race is a do or die affair in the country (Nigeria). Despite the corruption practices which the governors are accused of committing when they were in office, their take home benefits after few years in office as governors is huge and should be reviewed. A governor will serve four or eight years in office and when his or her tenure ends, he or she automatically joins the ex-governors and start collecting huge sum of money on monthly basis as pension allowance while those Nigerians who worked for over 40 years trying to assist in their own best way to build the country (Nigeria) collect peanuts as pension allowances that is if it would come at all which is not right. Our (Viewers Corner News team) point here is that what is paid out to the ex-governors of Nigeria is too much, after every four and eight years more and more ex-governors are joining the pension sector. If we calculate the total package for example, in the next 20 to 30 years more ex-governors would be joining the already existing ones receiving pension allowances which runs into billions of Naira. Such system would drain the treasury of the country (Nigeria) if proper review on this issue is not carried out now, therefore a review is very necessary.
Again any country of the world that is spending more than they get or produce may end up in a very terrible manner if no good plan is put in place like we observe in Nigeria today. Now is the time to get things done the right way before it is too late. Why we (Viewers Corner News and the Advisory team) are calling on the federal government of Nigeria to look into this issue is that the future of Nigeria and her citizens may badly be affected if these mistakes are not corrected quickly. Democracy is very good which is believed by almost every nation of the world to be the best system of government which is correct but if not follow carefully by applying wisdom and common sense, it may create huge financial burdens which would be difficult to handle in the long run. The Nigerian government should learn to start saving now by cutting down on the pension allowances of those ex-governors and the retired head of states. This would do the country (Nigeria) a whole lot of good if implemented.
Source: Viewers Corner News.