The evil that men do they say live with them, this is the situation Peoples Democratic Party (P.D.P) of Nigeria is facing at the moment and no one anywhere in the world can eat his or her cake and still have it. A great political party like Peoples Democratic Party (P.D.P) in the past had all it takes to rebuild Nigeria when things were a bit better but then they took things for granted and acted so terribly. Corruption became their second name which led the country (Nigeria) into this problem it is at the moment. Even the former minister of finance Dr.Ngozi Okonjo Iweala threw more lights on why the economy of Nigeria was in this position, she said that when things were good, P.D.P/Goodluck Jonathan led government could not save for the rainy days ahead. Why? It is because there was zero political will to do so, however we shall discuss more on this topic in our next article. The issue now is about the recent meeting between Ali Modu Sheriff and ex-president Obasanjo, lots of people are wrongly criticizing ex-president Obasanjo but when they are confused on certain political issues, they run to him for advice and guidance. Recently Ali Modu Sheriff went to see ex-president Obasanjo most probably to know the way forward for their political party (P.D.P), even when he (Obasanjo) is no longer a member of the party (Peoples Democratic Party), wonders they say shall never end. We also believe that not all that was said in their meetings were disclosed to members of the Nigerian public but with the little we were able to gather based on our (Viewers Corner News) analysis of what ex-president Obasanjo (who is a great man whether we like it or not) allegedly mentioned that anyone pushing or aligning himself or herself with Peoples Democratic Party is wasting his or her time because the political party is almost dead. It is just a matter of time even if the party is still there, it would remain on opposition for a very long time because almost all the current leaders in the party (P.D.P) have skeletons of different kinds in their cupboards and the good people of Nigeria understood that properly, therefore such a party coming up to take a leadership role again in the country (Nigeria) would be very difficult. We (Viewers Corner News) suggested to them in the past to carry out reform and change all those men who are parading themselves now as leaders of the party (P.D.P), these are individuals with questionable characters and have no reason leading the party anymore. The only way forward is by bringing new faces to the party, those old politicians who played terrible roles during ex-president Goodluck Jonathan’s administration should be benched but they seem not yielding to the advice because they all want to be president of Nigeria by all means which would be very difficult to achieve. However we (Viewers Corner News and the advisory team) are watching and waiting to see how almost a dead baby (P.D.P) can be resuscitated.
Source: Viewers Corner News.