The digital I.D. programme of Bill Gates and his group is targeted at destroying Africa, especially children and newborn babies. It is going to be launched in Kenya.

Bill Gates is at it again, targeting the people of Africa, especially children and newborn babies. The genetic modify data programme of Bill Gates is going to start in Kenya, which President Ruto of Kenya and some people in the country are happy about but do not fully understand the horrible side effects of such an evil digital I.D. program. The Viewers Corner News team is calling on African countries to reject such programme because the end result is certainly going to be destructive. In one of Bill Gates interviews, he mentioned that when a child is born, they are going to inject a genetically modified organism into the child’s body, which the child will carry, most probably forever. Instead of using the normal paper identification method to show who you are, it would now be installed into the child’s body. Our point is this: why use Kenya to start this program? Such a genetic modify data programme will have some horrible effects on the body of the child as he or she is growing and may likely not live for a longer period of time on earth. Hence, the Viewers Corner News team is calling on all countries on the continent of Africa to reject such a genetic modify data program. Africans should always remember that Bill Gates is among those who want to reduce the population of the world at all cost, especially Africans. Again, Bill Gates and his group are doing everything possible to get the population of Africa completely reduced. Therefore, we are calling on President Ruto of Kenya to stop whatever programme he is doing with Bill Gates and his group. The people of Kenya should stand up now and tell Bill Gates to take his genetic modify data programme to his country and leave the people of Africa alone.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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