Nigeria debt

The debt management office in Nigeria allegedly said that over 24 trillion naira had been incurred within three months.

The rate at which Nigeria’s debt is increasing is so alarming. We believe that before APC/President Bola Tinubu’s government leaves office, an unimaginable amount of money may have been incurred. This should be a concern to all Nigerians, because if, in the space of three months, according to the debt management office in Nigeria, over 24 trillion naira in debt has been incurred, then before the end of President Bola Tinubu’s government, Nigeria as a country may be in serious trouble. How is the debt going to be paid? Based on this, the Viewers Corner News team is appealing to all Nigerians to keep sentiment aside and try to elect a leader who would work to fix Nigeria irrespective of ethnicity, as long as the person in question has the ability and capacity to do the job nicely. We are saying so because in the next election, if Nigerians do not choose wisely, the suffering will continue. Now hear this: the politicians in Nigeria are living large, but the ordinary Nigerian voters who are in majority are the ones feeling the pain, which is sad. So in the next elections, we are appealing to Nigerians to do the right thing. If a leader who will engage in the production of goods and services is elected to lead the country in 2027, then the activities of such a leader and how he or she tackles the economy of Nigeria will bring the debt burden under control in the long run and also stabilize the economy of Nigeria.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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