Let the truth be told, before president Buhari came to power, the Nigerian police force is an institution that had soiled its hands completely on so many wrong areas and was never trusted by the people of the country (Nigeria). When they see white, they call it red, majority of the police officers created a very wrong impression of a beautiful profession (police force). Bribery and corruption became their second name, this attitude has been on for years but now that president Buhari and his government are in power, we hope they would change their ugly attitudes to a better ones.
Recently our (Viewers Corner News) source in Abuja (Nigeria) informed us that the federal government of Nigeria has asked the Nigerian police force to stop prosecuting criminal cases, perhaps the federal government of Nigeria has its own special reason for given such order which Viewers Corner News team shall discuss in our next article. However, we are appealing to the Nigerian police force to know that the citizens of Nigeria need their help at all times, they should be able to protect them because that is what being a good police officer entails. No manipulation of any kind, integrity, honesty, say no to bribery and corruption should be part of your qualities so keep to it by following the rules as you all were thought during your training at the police college.
Source: Viewers Corner News.