Zelensky and Putin


So many countries in the world have been invaded by advanced countries in the world. Most of these countries are still fighting wars, with no one knowing when they will end. Children, mothers, the elderly, and others are being killed in huge numbers. Now Russia, for whatever reason or agreement they might have had in the past, which was not followed by Ukraine, as alleged, has led President Putin of Russia to invade Ukraine. Although President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine is not right, the invasion is an eye-opener for third-world countries. This means that third world countries should put their houses in order. Stop relying on the West for everything because there are many deceptions perpetrated by western countries against third-world countries around the world. Look at the President of Poland, for instance, who made some horrible statements about selecting those that would enter his country. Even if the law of your country says that you should not allow people into Poland, at a time of war, such a law should not hold because you are trying to save lives. Romania has shown real love for those fleeing the war zone. They accepted them into the country with an open hand and gave them food, which is nice. The Viewers Corner News team applauds the Romanians for that. The Viewers Corner News team calls on African leaders to use this war between Russia and Ukraine to learn one or two things. Build the economies of your various countries. Do not depend on the West for everything your country needs. Stop electing elderly politicians to various offices because they have nothing to offer the people of your country. In 2023, Nigerians will be heading to the polls to elect leaders. The Viewers Corner News team urges voters in the country to elect credible individuals to occupy positions of authority in Nigeria. The people you elect to various offices will determine how successful the country is going to be, so choose wisely. Nigeria is a great country but has not been able to put its resources in the right direction because voters in the country keep electing corrupt and selfish leaders to run the affairs of the country, which is bad. Let 2023 be a deciding year of greatness for Nigeria and her people. Say “No” to those groups of people that are holding the country at a standstill. Reject them so that progress can come to Nigeria.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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