Since Hameed Ali resumed as the Comptroller General of Custom in Nigeria, lots of changes were made which no one who occupied that position in the past has ever made. Those that were there before he took over as the custom boss worked only to enrich themselves but our findings has shown that Mr Hameed Ali is working very hard to assist the federal government of Nigeria most especially on revenue collections. He is a blessing to the office of Nigeria customs and since he became the boss, some huge sum of money has allegedly been paid to the federal government treasury. Also the department of customs has been able to block those dubious Nigerian businessmen from importing harmful products into the country (Nigeria) which Nigerians both home and abroad should be happy about. Most of those senators in Nigeria asking him to resign have no means anymore to import banned items or fake products into the country (Nigeria), perhaps that is why they want him out of the way. Again whether he wears the custom uniform or not, the senators should leave him alone and every other allegation which he is being accused of is just to find fault against him so that the senators would have reasons to remove him from office. However that would not work, the senate should allow him to continue his good work as the custom’s boss. Hameed Ali is a great man based on our recent findings.
Source: Viewers Corner News.