The combination of Mr. Diomaye Faye of Senegal as president and Mr. Ousmane Sonko as prime minister is a great one.

Viewers Corner News correspondent in Dakar, Senegal, revealed to us that a few hours after swearing Mr. Diomaye Faye into office as president of Senegal, ex-president Macky Sall fled the country, perhaps to France, whom he has been working for while serving as president of Senegal, instead of developing his country. Mr. Ousmane Sonko, whom ex-president Macky Sall and his corrupt past government put into prison for speaking the truth and doing everything possible so that Senegal would be great, has now become the prime minister of the country. These two great leaders, President Diomaye Faye and Mr. Ousmane Sonko, are great reformers who would move Senegal to the next level. Now hear this: President Diomaye Faye belongs to the new generation of African leaders who will not take directives from the West and the United States of America to govern his country, Senegal. He is highly educated and knows exactly what to do to pull through. Another good thing is that he has Mr. Ousmane Sonko as his prime minister, which is great. Both of them are going to direct the affairs of Senegal nicely. Again, ex-president Macky Sall, who was a puppet leader planted in office to work for France, knows exactly what awaits him if he had not fled the country the way he did. This will teach other African leaders that nothing is permanent in life, and a day shall come when those who victimised their people shall be put on trial. It will happen someday; it is just a matter of time.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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