Ifeanyi Odii

The best candidate to cast your vote for in Ebonyi state governorship election is Mr. Ifeanyi Odii of the Peoples Democratic Party of Nigeria.

The Viewers Corner News team is calling on the people of Ebonyi state to massively support and cast their votes for Mr Ifeanyi Odii, the Peoples Democratic Party’s governorship candidate in Ebonyi state. Mr Ifeanyi Odii is a great man with a good heart. As a businessman, he has assisted so many people in Ebonyi state and Nigeria in general. Therefore, allowing him to direct the affairs of Ebonyi state shall make it easier for him to use the huge resources of the state to create better living conditions for the people of Ebonyi state. The Viewers Corner News team has examined all the governorship candidates from various political parties seeking to lead Ebonyi state and we found that Mr Ifeanyi Odii is the best among them. Mr Ifeanyi Odii is a well known businessman and part of his earnings were put on philanthropic works. If he becomes the governor of Ebonyi state, he would utilize the resources of the state for the good of the people. So the people of Ebonyi state should vote wisely. If you make a wrong choice in this year’s governorship election, then no one should be blamed. Again, Mr Ifeanyi Odii of the Peoples Democratic Party is the right man for the job. He shall provide for the needs of the people of his state if he becomes the governor of Ebonyi state.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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