Nigerian military

The APC/President Buhari’s led government should not provoke the military by delaying payment of their salaries.

Delaying the payment of the salaries of the Nigerian military will not do the government of Nigeria any good. The Viewers Corner News team is calling on President Buhari’s administration to be paying the salaries of the military regularly and on time too. Nigerians both at home and abroad know that the economy of Nigeria is bad, but not paying the military on time is very bad because by the time they take laws into their own hands, it will be suicidal. Although the insecurity in Nigeria is huge and beyond their capacity, they are still trying their best. Someone who has been on the war front for months without seeing his family has made a huge sacrifice for the nation. Therefore, they deserve to be paid regularly. We were informed that in April, the military personnel’s salaries were delayed. We are appealing to President Buhari and his government to be punctual in paying the military their salaries.

Source: Viewers Corner News.

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