
The alleged travel expenses of President Bola Tinubu and his vice president within three months have reached an alarming level.

The Viewers Corner News correspondent in Abuja, Nigeria, gathered that over eight billion naira was spent on travel alone by President Bola Tinubu and his vice president within three months. This is huge. Though there is nothing too bad when the president of a country and his vice president decide to honour invitations from other countries in the world, it should be carefully looked into to know if it is something they can give attention to before embarking on such a journey. We are saying so because lots of money is involved. Our point is this: there are some invitations that do not need the attention of the president, especially when they involve business abroad, which we expect the government of Nigeria to delegate to the embassy of Nigeria to handle if truly the government of Nigeria wants to save costs. Again, abroad issues are better handled by a country’s embassy because every embassy is representing its country in various capacities, except if it becomes absolutely necessary that the president shall be there; if not, it does not make any sense for the president of a country to keep on wasting tax payers money on travels when there are so many unresolved issues that need lots of money to sort out. If you calculate what the government of Nigeria has spent within three months on travel for the president and his vice president, it is more than enough to settle the most pressing needs of the people of Nigeria. Hence, we are appealing to the government of Nigeria to carefully look into this issue of travel by the president of Nigeria and his vice president so that they can have it controlled through a cost-saving approach. The government of Nigeria should always use the services of the embassy of Nigeria when it is necessary to do so; this would go a long way in saving costs for the country.

Source: Viewers Corner News

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